digiLED ZEUS® at Yorkshire County Cricket Club

digiLED ZEUS® Software delivers green display

solution for Yorkshire County Cricket Club


Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) is a first-class county cricket club and Headingley has been its home since 1890, where Test Cricket matches have taken place since 1899. It is a world-renowned stadium and unique in housing both international cricket and international rugby in one venue.

Large digital score boards are a valuable addition to any sporting arena, but essential in a stadium like Headingley. Screens provide vital information and entertainment during the match and finding ways to ensure the equipment is as environmentally friendly as possible is a key consideration for digiLED. Cutting costs and environmental impact while providing a fantastic experience for cricket fans created an exciting challenge, one that the company were only too happy to meet.

When the time came to replace the existing scoreboard, YCCC knew that both environmental and visual impact would be their top priorities. With careful consideration of build techniques and running energy consumption, digiLED designed a solution that would deliver savings for the lifetime of the screen.

The result is one of the largest permanent LED display screens in UK professional sport, with a digiLED VISION MAX PRO 10mm system measuring 16 x 6.4m, with a total display area of 102.4m2.

Thanks to to digiLED ZEUS®, the manufacturer’s patented randomisation algorithm that manages the power-up and shutdown of the screen, the environmental challenges of the club were satisfied. An innovation from digiLED that ensures the LED screen consumes zero power when switched offhe Eco Power Management system can be employed by any giant LED screen by attaching digiLED ZEUS® Cards and the digiLED ZEUS® Head End controller. The system can then be networked together via CAT5e cable, either in a bespoke solution designed by digiLED or an ‘off the shelf’ system, allowing total flexibility for retrofit solutions.

Traditional LED screens never actually get switched off, they get put into black mode, which still uses 6-18% of their total power consumption while asleep. There are often issues turning the screen back on again, due to the regular risk of power surges which require specialist intervention. digiLED ZEUS® manages the power up and power down process, completely removing the chance of in-rush overloads. The system can also overcome other concerns such as tripping and power surges, thus extending both the LED hardware and the electrical supply’s operational life. With a remote reboot via a smart phone, you don’t even need to be on-site. This can even be scheduled to run automatically via an app.

These features allow for total peace of mind and are already saving YCCC over £22,000 a year in energy bills and sixteen tonnes of CO2 per annum. This data is captured alongside all other relevant data to enable the club to easily complete their environmental management reports, another bonus of the digiLED ZEUS® system.

Steel production is one of the most energy-consuming and CO2 emitting industrial activities in the world, so reducing steel consumption while maintaining structural integrity is a dream combination. digiLED has done just this with the YCCC installation, utilising the existing steel frame, reducing waste and delivering cost savings for the club.

The die-cast aluminium LED tiles and cabinets facilitate fast and efficient heat dissipation for best thermal management and end-of-life recyclability. The panels themselves are easily accessible for fast servicing and common cathode technology reduces power usage by 30% in comparison to other models.

Delivering all these features to ensure client satisfaction is a tall order, as Guy Horrigan, Commercial Director at digiLED, explains: “It’s been a pleasure to work with the team at Yorkshire County Cricket Club again, and we are proud to have been involved with the amazing new LED screen at Headingley, replacing the screen we installed back in 2009. We believe this latest installation provides YCCC with the technology they envisioned and has helped to elevate the viewers’ match day experience.”

His enthusiasm of being part of the project is mirrored by Sam Hinchliffe, Director of Operations at The Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

“Our brief was demanding because we are always striving for better and constantly progressing with energy-saving options and becoming a greener stadium,” Hinchcliffe concludes. “The digiLED solution was tailored precisely to our needs in terms of brightness and viewing angles and has been installed in an environmentally efficient manner.

“Beyond that, the energy savings made with the digiLED ZEUS® power management system will, over the course of the screen’s life, pay for the new installation whilst mitigating vast amounts of CO2. Every stadium would benefit from digiLED ZEUS® technology, it is a no-brainer.

 “It has been a brilliant project to be part of and the team at digiLED have delivered on every aspect. Along with a better quality of picture, the screen gives us a lot more functionality and capability that can be utilised for engaging with the crowd.”