LED News

The outdoor LED Screen market as seen by Graham Burgess, CEO of digiLED

Read the opinions of our CEO, Graham Burgess, on the outdoor LED screen market in InAVate Magazine:



The largest outdoor centre hung LED screen in the World makes the front page

Colossus TV was centre stage at our booth at InfoComm 2016 this year, and because it is such a record breaking success, AV magazine have made it front page news.

Read the article here

Colossus TV, the largest centre hung LED Screen display in the world, is unleashed!

The phenomenal Colossus TV, the worlds largest centre hung LED display at Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee, has now gone live.

This gargantuan structure has four sides, each with a huge digiLED Toura 6mm LED screen measuring 19.2 metres wide by 9 metres high.

A ‘Big LED screen’ will never be the same for me again – Tom Mudd

I have spent my entire career working on “big” screens but after Colossus, the latest project with GoVision using digiLED Toura 6mm and being installed at Bristol Motor Speedway, I’m seriously going to have to re-evaluate quite what the “big” means.

LED Screen in Sheffield Hallam University lecture theatre is a groundbreaking first

Sheffield Hallam University has recently installed a new LED Screen in their flagship lecture theatre, the first of its kind in the UK. Provided on behalf of Saville Audio Visual and in partnership with AV distributors AVM, this digiLED iMAG-R screen, 5m wide x 3m high with a 2.6mm pixel pitch has been chosen for its excellent image quality with high impact and great contrast, even with bright light levels in the theatre.

LED Screens in a dirty old town – Tom Mudd

When changing LED tiles in screens that are located in urban areas, it’s easy to see how polluted the environment we live in can be. Dirt, dust and construction ash all tend to accumulate on the LED screen faces and you may wonder why this doesn’t have more of a detrimental effect on the viewing characteristics. 

Ambient light levels when specifying an LED Screen – Jon Perkins

 Screen brightness is measured in NITs, so 1 Nit = 1 Candela per sqm. Typically, the minimum requirement would be 5000 Nits for outdoor and 800 Nits for indoor. However it’s not always about the brightness, it can also be about getting the contrast right.

LED Floor at the European Games 2015 closing ceremony in Baku

Event: European Games Closing Ceremony

Product: NX7 LED Floor

Quantity: 1761 tiles

Pixel pitch: 7mm

Country: Baku in Azerbaijan

Closing ceremony highlights  

displayLED in Focus: TPi Article

In recognition of the displayLED 10 year anniversary this November this year, Graham Burgess is interviewed in TPi magazine about setting up displayLED and how it has grown over the years. Have a read!

TPi DLS in focus Sept 2013

In 2008 digiLED’s digiFLEX became an award winning innovation

The rubberfaced, lightweight, bendy LED video solution, ideal for the live events market.

Available in 6mm & 10mm pixel pitch, get in touch for further details.


Arsenal Emirates

Application: Installation, match day support & preventative maintenance

Venue: Emirates Stadium

Products & Size:

  • Two x 72 square metre Mitsubishi OD12 LED video screens
  • Two x Mitsubishi LED clocks
  • 258m x 900mm banner

Pixel pitch:

  • LED video screens – 25mm
  • Banner – 21mm horizontal, 16mm vertical

Country: UK

Quote: “The LED big screens, perimeter advertising and halfway line clocks have significantly enhanced the Clubs commercial partner match day inventory and are integrated well within the Emirates Stadium complex.

Yorkshire County Cricket Club, Headingley

Application: Live video feed & scoreboard

Venue: Yorkshire County Cricket club, Headingley

Product: Ld10S

Pixel pitch: 20mm virtual, 10mm effective

Dimensions: 16m wide x 6.4m high

Country: UK

Press release